What Can I Do?
- Call and email your Alberta MLA about your continuing concerns and specifically about the Northback Holdings application to the AER for drilling permits on Grassy Mountain.
- Call and email your Federal MP about your continuing concerns
- Call and email your Town/City/Municipal District Councillors and make them aware of the “A Coal Policy for Alberta – 2022 and Beyond” proposal. Ask them to go on record supporting this policy to stop coal mining in the Eastern Slopes. Protection of our headwaters is too important to defer to unscheduled regional land planning activities.
- Talk to your neighbour or co-workers and help let Albertans know what is happening. Open Pit Coal Mining remains a threat in the Eastern Slopes until protected within Regional Land Use Plans.
- Display a banner (4’ x 12’ vinyl banner OR a 2’ x 6’ vinyl banner) with the same graphic as the one at the top of this webpage at your location. Banners can be ordered on this link. Please email the form directly to the printer.
- Car flags and car magnets can be ordered on the form on this link. Please email directly to the printer.
- Stay informed and plan to participate in Land Use Planning activities and consultations in order to protect the Eastern Slopes.